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And then I took the test myself for my main character in The Gods Defense, and I was shocked to find out what she was.  Cassandra’s an ENFJ, the Teacher or Mentor… or the Busybody if you take a joke version that insults your personality type (that one’s funny and only a little… er, okay, a lot cruel).  I had a friend in law school whom I had take the test and she was an ENFJ and Cassandra’s nothing like her, but after I read through the description, I could see it.

These people tend to focus on others before themselves, trying to bring out the best in others and even lead them.  They want to change the world for the better, and make it that way one person helped at a time.  The entire story turns on the fact that Cassandra would do anything for her mom, including sell her soul.  This also fits Cassandra’s tendency to take people letting her down so hard, and her original career choice of Prosecutor along with her thrill at being able to help design a new legal system for the Greek Gods in the modern era.

Some parts of Cassandra’s personality that haven’t come out in the story yet (since she’s mainly been dealing with a potential lover who has done nothing but let her down and manipulate her in the past) are Cassandra’s undying loyalty to her friends and her overall idealism and optimism.  As she asks her friends for help with the gods’ plans, and starts meddling in their lives despite how much she has going on in hers, this part of her personality will show more.

I’m planning on having Cassadra’s friends meet her to talk about helping out with the gods’ plans and them being attacked.  The scene where they’re talking and then the attack is what I’m working on now and what I’m planning on being my next post, to show the character traits of the ENFJ.

So everyone who read the Assignment linked at the top, here’s the next step, explore your character’s personality type by a basic description, such as the one here, and then, write it into a scene.  I’d say good luck, but writers don’t need luck, we just need coffee!

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