Reblog Friday – Great Article on Time Management. Whether you’re a writer or not, these tips are helpful.
Image via Flikr Creative Commons, courtesy of elaueverose.
I do a lot of stuff. Actually too much stuff but I am totally woking on that saying “No” thing. Hey, I’m getting there. Two days ago I finally earned my fourth stripe on my white belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. For those who don’t know, in BJJ, you are a white belt forever. It takes anywhere from a year to a year and a half to earn a blue belt. My next level is blue belt and I am stoked.
In BJJ, the blue belt is almost as big of a deal as black belt because most people never get that far.
My Jiu Jitsu brothers.
But I constantly hear people say things like, “Oh, I’d love to write a book. I just can’t find the time.” “Wow, I’d love to do Jiu Jitsu. If I could only find the time.”
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