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Coffee Prompt Monday AND a New Release


Shifting Ice, the novella prequel to The Gods Defense, was published yesterday!

Kidnapped kids are the least of her problems…

Lion shifter Tyler Carmichael’s day starts with a telepathic cry for help from children shifters who have been kidnapped by scientists and even she’s not so cold as to leave children to suffer. Now she has to work with the wolves’ king Caesius to rescue them and stop the scientists permanently, before all of humanity finds out about shifters and magic.

But Tyler and Caesius have been teasing each other for years and the sexual games could be their undoing.

And the shifters’ magic isn’t the only kind at play.

Now, your prompts, based on the new book:

  1. How far would you go to protect your people? You’d kill?  I’d torture.

  2. Magic is shaking the world, and it isn’t yours.

  3. Sex is so much better when you have to wait for it, isn’t it?

Every Monday I’ll give you a wacky prompt or three to get you over the Monday blues and back to writing after (or during!gasp) your long day back at work.  Take the prompt and a cup of coffee and let your imagination run wild.

Make it a flash piece, a short story or even get inspiration for an entire novel.  Write it up and share it on your blog and link it to the post or just share it in the post’s comments.

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